Is it OK to Eat Beets Everyday?

Beetroot has some of the best health benefits. Laxative properties of beetroot help your bowel movement and digestive system function properly. What about consuming them daily?

According to WebMD, 70-140 mL of beetroot juice or 7/8 cup of baked beetroot daily has been used to enhance athletic performance. Currently, there are no studies to determine how much beets are safe to eat daily. People with diabetes, low blood pressure, those who frequently get kidney stones, and those who are pregnant should talk to their doctor before adding beets to their daily diet.

Beets and Your Digestive System

Beetroot has been used by the ancient Romans to treat many ailments and it’s still being used today. With each glass containing 58 calories, you get all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Beetroots help to improve your digestive health thanks to their fiber and folate content but they also have some unexpected yet harmless temporary digestive effects.

lots of raw garden beets on wood table with beets sign

High Soluble Fiber Content

There are great laxative properties of beetroot that help keep your stomach healthy with its high soluble fiber content which is a very important carbohydrate for your digestive health. This helps to prevent constipation by cleansing the colon and your stomach so that you can have regulated bowel movements.

What are the health benefits of beets?

Eating beets can bring many health benefits and can make you want to add them to your daily diet. Beets help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of cancer, supports brain health, may fight inflammation, and can improve athletic performance. Eating beets too much can cause your pee or stools to turn red or pink, yet this is not harmful. Eating them daily may increase the risk of kidney stones.

Note: if you are eating beetroot for fiber, one cup is a good source of fiber.

Beets are also rich in dietary nitrites. This lets your body convert them to nitric oxide.

4 of the Best Laxative Properties of Beets

1. Dietary fiber

The dietary fiber reduces the risks of getting a diverticular disease that causes an inflammation in your colon that leads to bloating, nausea, gas, and irregular bowel movement. The fiber softens your stool so that you’re able to pass it easily and regularly. Regular intake of beets increases the fiber content.

salad with beets in it on black plate on wood table

Fiber is also said to reduce the risk of people developing chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, and heart disease.

2. Digestion

Betaine is found in this root vegetable of beets. Betaine is a compound found in beets that is very good for your digestive system. It improves your digestion by increasing stomach acid levels to help with your bloating issues, control the growth of bacteria and yeast, and prevent food intolerances.

By including foods rich in betaine in your diet you correct the low stomach acid levels and make it easier for your stomach to digest food and absorb nutrients.

3. Vitamin B9 or Folate

Vitamin B9 or folate helps your digestive system. Folate reduces the risk of colon cancer that is mostly associated with alcohol consumption. Folate also helps in cell growth and in repairing tissue in your digestive tract.

With each intake of beets, your increase your daily folate needs. Folate is also good for encouraging healthy skin and hair and protecting your mouth from ulceration and soreness.

Pregnant women are advised to take folic acid which contributes to the health of the unborn baby and prevents congenital heart defects and other neural tubal defects in the newborn baby.

4. Bad cholesterol

Beets help to prevent the formation of plaque and reduce the oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol from being deposited in the walls of your artery walls and small intestines. This prevents the smooth flow of food and nutrients to the body causing the formation of fat deposits.

Side Effects of Beetroot

Beets will at times turn your urine or stool red. This is a harmless and temporary side effect that will go away after a few days. However, it could also be a serious problem caused by a bleeding colon. It’s would be a good idea to get medical advice just to be on the safe side.

gardener holding beets in field with white gloves

Beets are a wonderful veggie that helps keep your digestive system healthy. It does away with the bloating, nausea, gas, and constant irregular bowel movements thanks to the high quantities of dietary fiber.

Increasing folate in your body lower the risk of colon cancer and helps to repair tissue in your digestive tract to avoid the formation of ulcers in your stomach wall. And in case you’re pregnant increasing folate in your diet will give your newborn baby have the required birth weight and prevent any congenital birth defects.

Is it safe to drink beet juice everyday?

There are no specific studies that show if it’s safe to drink beet juice everyday. However, the people who have had one to two cups daily had seen a decrease in their blood pressure. Remember it’s always best to consult your doctor before trying.

Dr. OZ recommends it doesn’t take much to receive the great benefits of this super vegetable, but to start out with a quarter of a cup of beet juice a day and slowly increasing over time.

Beet juice is one of the healthiest foods you can give your body. Since the middle ages, beets have been used to treat many diseases related to blood levels and digestion.

Beets have a tender, sugary, and plain taste that you can grow to love that will provide your body with a lot of nutrients.

Apart from helping your body to absorb iron, beets contain lots of vitamin C, low calories, and no fat content.

Health benefits of beets also come from edible leaves, but they have a more bitter flavor than the root. They contain lots of calcium, iron, and vitamin A. One glass contains minerals and vitamins you need all day in concentrated form.

beetroot smoothies sitting on a tray
beetroot smoothies

7 Benefits of Beetroot

1. Improve your digestion

Drinking any vegetable juice on an empty stomach helps to clean out your colon of all toxins and push out all the waste. Your colon can function properly and you don’t have that sluggish feeling anymore in your stomach after eating certain foods. It’s also good for preventing constipation. It supplies bulk to your stool and makes it easier for you to pass waste. Beet and carrot juice is good for curing kidney and gall bladder issues.

2. Detoxify your system

Drinking beet juice first thing in the morning can make you feel nauseous. This is because it is purifying and detoxifying your body of all the toxins in your system. You are also able to easily empty your bowels to get rid of all the toxic waste in your colon. It stops the build-up of fatty acids and promotes the growth of your liver cells.

woman smiling at the beach

3. Absorb more nutrients

Consuming beets on an empty stomach helps your body better absorb all the fiber and simple sugars found in the raw juice. The health benefit of a single-serving at home can help better heart health.

3. Boost your brain and sharpen memory

Give yourself a jump start by improving your concentration levels, attention span, and memory. You’re able to work faster and think better throughout the day because your nerve connections have a faster response.

4. Helps maintain lower blood pressure levels

Beet juice has high nitrate levels which are good for your blood pressure. Nitrates are a set of compounds that involve nitrogen and oxygen molecules.

5. Gives you glowing skin

Beet juice contains vitamin A and C and calcium that help to prevent your skin from becoming dry and flaky. Your skin is exposed to a harsh climate every day but beet juice will leave your skin feeling supple and rosy with a healthy glow. The antioxidants in beets help to protect your skin from any damage that can be caused by free radicals protecting your skin from inside out. The vitamin C in beets evens out your skin tone and clears any blemishes that are on your skin.

6. Boosts your energy levels

Beet juice helps to expand your blood vessels so that more oxygen can help blood flow to the rest of your body. You feel more energized and active and it wakes up your liver. Beetroot juice is a good pre-workout drink that will increase oxygen to your muscles helping you to exercise for longer and feel less tired.

woman on beach smiling with happy energy
boost your energy levels

7. Taking beet juice at any time is good for your health

Although beetroot juice has a fairly high amount of sugars it’s an excellent vegetable juice with lots of antioxidants, fiber, folate, iron, and lots of health benefits. Drinking beet juice on an empty stomach helps to boost your energy levels, detoxify your system, improve your digestion, and sharpen your memory.

More Questions About Eating Beets Everyday

Are beets good for constipation?

Beets are high in soluble fiber which helps to cleanse your colon and clears your stomach helping your bowel movement. This way you don’t get constipated or have stomach problems because beets are great laxatives.

Can eating a lot of beetroots discolor your stool?

Sometimes you will find the red beet pigment in your urine or poop after eating beets. Beeturia is a harmless side effect but it could also mean you have an iron deficiency.

Are beets difficult to digest?

If you have low stomach acid it can be difficult for your stomach to digest and absorb beets. It may also be difficult to metabolize the red beet pigment that’s why you pass it in your urine or poop.

How long does it take to get beet out of your system?

The red pigment of beets in your urine goes away after some time but if you notice it even after 24 hours are over, this means that your body is taking too long to excrete waste from your digestive system.

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